
Dr Giuseppe Di Caprio

Principal investigator

Dr. Giuseppe Di Caprio serves as an Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) and a Chancellor’s Fellow at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, and as a scientific advisor at the Center of System Biology – Massachusetts General Hospital. He completed his doctoral studies in Novel Technologies for Imaging through a collaborative program between the University of Naples Federico II and the Université Libre de Bruxelles. During this time, he focused on developing Phase Microscopy systems for cell analysis and tracking. Following his doctoral studies, he spent 11 years at Harvard University, initially at the Optofluidic Citofluorimetry Lab under the guidance of Dr. Ethan Schonbrun at the Rowland Institute. After three years, he transitioned to the Kirchhausen Lab as junior faculty at the Harvard Medical School – Boston Children’s hospital. His research interests encompass a wide range of topics including Microscopy, Quantitative Bioimage Analysis, Microfluidics, Organs-On-Chip, and Machine Learning. Google scholar


twitter:  @galenes

PhD Students

Philip Graemer

Philip joined the lab in April 2024. He holds a BSc in Psychology with First Class Honours from the University of West of Scotland, awarded in 2020, and an MSc in Brain Sciences with Merit from the University of Glasgow, completed in 2021. Currently, he is involved in a project focusing on AI-powered Smart Microscopy for Stem-Cell Engineering. Outside of work, Philip enjoys hiking, hill climbing, and wild camping.


twitter:  @true_leveller

This could be you

We are hiring for an exciting PhD opportunity in smart microscopy and cardio-protective therapy, in collaboration with KU Leuven. Start date is projected to be October 2024. Get in touch for more details.

Master Students

Stuart Fisher

Stuart joined the lab for his master thesis in March 2024. He will work on the design and fabrication of new microfluidic devices for whole blood characterization.

Mohamed Aziz Safi

Aziz joined the lab for his master thesis in March 2024. Aziz will analyse existing videos of whole blood cells in flow, and he will develop AI-based algorithms for single cell segmentation and classification.